P.S. Nisam mogla da odlučim kako da napravim selekciju, ovo je uži izbor užeg izbora. Nadam se da ste bogati strpljenjem :)
50's movies are some kind of drug to me, drug that I don't want to give up. I adore them, that's why I return to them over and over again. The goal of this post is to urge those who share my affection to watch them, cause I consider them a general culture, with a little of exaggeration. :)I won't retell them, cause I personally don't like to know the complete story in advance. So I don't want to spoil the pleasure of those who might be interested. Instead, I'll write about some interesting things regarding them.
P.S. I couldn't decide how to make a selection, and this is the shortlist of shortlist. I hope you have a plenty of patience. :D
- Pisci su se plašili da će Holivud nepovoljno da reaguje na
optužujuci portret filmske industrije pa je ovaj film za vreme snimanja nosio naziv "Konzerve pasulja".
- Uramljene fotografije mlade Norme Dezmond su originalne fotografije objavljivane u vreme kad je bila na vrhuncu.
- Ime Norma Dezmond je sastavljeno kombinovanjem imena zvezde nemih filmova Norme Talmadge i reditelja Vilijama Dezmond Tejlora, čije je još uvek nerešeno ubistvo jedan od najvećih skandala u istoriji Holivuda.
-Hedda Hopper i Buster Keaton koji glume sebe u filmu, umrli su istog dana, prvog februara 1966.
-The writers feared that Hollywood would react unfavorably to such a damning portrait of the film industry, and so the film was code named 'A Can of Beans' while in production.
-The photos of the young Norma Desmond that decorate the house are all genuine publicity photos from Gloria Swanson's heyday.
-The name Norma Desmond was chosen from a combination of silent-film star Norma Talmadge and silent movie director William Desmond Taylor, whose still-unsolved murder is one of the great scandals of Hollywood history.
-Hedda Hopper and Buster Keaton, who make cameos as themselves in the movie, both died on the same day: February 1, 1966.
2.ALL ABOUT EVE (1950)
-Celeste Holm, prepričavajući iskustvo sa Bette Davis sa prvog dana snimanja, : "I walked onto the set . . . on the first day and said, 'Good morning,' and do you know her reply? She said, 'Oh shit, good manners.' I never spoke to her again - ever."
-Zsa Zsa Gabor je stalno dolazila na snimanja iz ljubomore,zbog scena njenog muža George Sanders i Merlinke.
-Bette se zaljubila u Gary Merrill-a za vreme snimanja. Kasnije su se venčali i usvojili devojčicu koju su nazvali Margo. <3
-Co-star Celeste Holm spoke about her experience with Bette Davis on the first day of shooting: "I walked onto the set . . . on the first day and said, 'Good morning,' and do you know her reply? She said, 'Oh shit, good manners.' I never spoke to her again - ever.
-Zsa Zsa Gabor kept arriving on the set because she was jealous of her husband George Sanders in his scenes with the young blonde ingénue Marilyn Monroe.
-Bette Davis fell in love with her co-star Gary Merrill during the shoot of this movie and the two married in July 1950 a few weeks after filming was completed. They adopted a baby girl, whom they named Margot.
-Prvi film Anne Bancroft
-Merlinkin 18.film u kom je najviše dokazala svoj glumački talenat koji je često dovođen u pitanje od strane kritičara.
-Donna Corcoran je jedina zvezda ovog filma koja je i dalje živa.
-U priči na kojoj je film zasnovan, Nellino prezime je Munro. Promenjeno je u Forbes kada je Merlinka dobila ulogu,
-This was Anne bancroft's fist film
-It was also Marylin Monroe's 18th film and an attempt to prove to critics that she coul act.
- Donna Corcoran is the only member of the cast still alive today.
-In the novel on which the movie is based Nell's surname is 'Munro'. This was changed to Forbes when Marylin Monroe was cast in the role.
4.REAR WINDOW (1954)
-Jedini film u kom je Grace Kelly viđena sa cigaretom. Obično je odbijala takve scene, ali je u ovom filmu napravila izuzetak.
- Veruje se da je afera između ratnog fotografa Roberta Capa i glumice Ingrid Bergman poslužila Hičkoku kao inspiracija za ovaj film.
-Scenarista John Michael Hayes je lik Lise zasnovao na karakteru svoje žene, koja je bila profesionalmni model kad su se venčali.
-The only film in which Grace Kelly is seen with a cigarette. She refused to smoke in films, except this once.
-The love affair between war photographer Robert Capa and actress Ingrid Bergman is believed to be Alfred Hitchcock's inspiration for the film's romantic aspect.
-Screenwriter John Michael Hayes based Lisa on his own wife, who'd been a professional fashion model when they married.
-The only film in which Grace Kelly is seen with a cigarette. She refused to smoke in films, except this once.
-The love affair between war photographer Robert Capa and actress Ingrid Bergman is believed to be Alfred Hitchcock's inspiration for the film's romantic aspect.
-Screenwriter John Michael Hayes based Lisa on his own wife, who'd been a professional fashion model when they married.
-Nakon snimanja filma, Gregory Peck je obavestio producente da će Audrey verovatno da dobije Oskara i da je bolje da stave njeno ime iznad naslova filma. Sve se tako odigralo :)
-Scena snimljena kod "usta istine" snimljena je iz prvog puta. Gregory Peck je gurnuo ruku u usta istine, i kada je izvadio sakrio je u rukav tako da izgleda kao da je nema. Audrey za to uopste nije znala, i njena reakcija je bila spontana, baš ono što je William Wyler želeo da postigne.
-Prvi američki film koji je u potpunosti snimljen u Italiji.
-Uloga koju tumači Gregory Peck je isprva bila namenjena Carry Grant-u. Grant je odbio ulogu smatrajući da je prestar za Audrey, dok joj je deset godina kasnije pravio društvo u filmu Charade, i posle toga izjavio da mu je jedna od omiljenih glumica sa kojom je sarađivao :
-After filming, Gregory Peck informed the producers that, as Audrey Hepburn was certainly going to win an Oscar (for this, her first major role), they had better put her name above the title. They did and she did.
-Director William Wyler normally films a lot of takes getting the movie right. But The Mouth of Truth scene only took one take. Not known to Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck hid his hand in his sleeve when he took it out of the Mouth. Hepburn's reaction therefore is both genuine and spontaneous: exactly what Wyler was looking for
-The first American film to be made in its entirety in Italy
-Gregory Peck's role was originally written with Cary Grant in mind. Grant, however, turned the role down as he believed he was too old to play Audrey Hepburn's love interest. He did, however, play her on-screen love ten years later in Charade (1963). The two became firm friends working on the film, and Grant considered her one of his favorite actresses to work with.
-Uloga koju tumači Merlinka nije otpočetka bila namenjena njoj. Kada su joj to rekli njen odgovor je bio: "Well whatever I am, I'm still the blonde.""
-Scena u kojoj Jane Russel pada u bazen je bila slučajna, ali se Hawardu Hawksu dopala i odlucio je da je zadrži u filmu.
-Merlin je predložila rečenicu : "I can be smart when it's important, but most men don't like it."
-When told she was not the star of the film, Marilyn Monroe was quoted: "Well whatever I am, I'm still the blonde."
-Jane Russell's fall into the pool was an accident. When Howard Hawks saw the dailies, he kept it in the film
-Marilyn Monroe reportedly suggested the line "I can be smart when it's important, but most men don't like it."
-Film je naišao na osude Katoličke crkve.
-Takođe je ovaj film zaslužan sto je St.Tropez postao centar mode.
-Was condemned by the Catholic Church
-This film is generally credited with making St. Tropez a fashionable resort.
8.SABRINA (1954)
-Audrey i William Holden su se zaljubili za vreme snimanja, ali je ona okončala vezu kada je saznala da on ne moze da ima decu.
-Bogart i Holden se nisu podnosili. Bogart je bio protiv toga da Audrey glumi u filmu, on je za tu ulogu želeo svoju ženu Lauren Bacall.
-Billy Wilder je tokom snimanja i dalje radio na scenariju, pa je zamolio Audrey da kaže da je bolesna, kako bi dobio na vremenu.
-Hubert de Givenchy je mislio da kreira stvari za Katharine Hepburn jer do tada nije cuo za Audrey :)
-Co-stars Audrey Hepburn and William Holden fell in love during the making of this film, but Hepburn broke off the relationship on learning that Holden could not have children.
-Bogart and William Holden couldn't stand each other. Bogart disapproved of Audrey Hepburn (he wanted his wife Lauren Bacall in the role), while Holden fell in love with her.
-During production Billy Wilder was continuously working on the script. One day he asked Audrey Hepburn to feign illness so he would have enough time to finish the scene to be shot.
-Hubert de Givenchy originally thought he would be providing wardrobe for Katharine Hepburn, as he had never heard of Audrey Hepburn before they were introduced.
-Merlinkina dugogodišnja borba sa depresijom se osetila i u toku snimanja ovog filma, neke scene su ponavljanje i do 40 puta.
-Gary Cooper je razmatran za ulogu Richard Shermana.
-Marilyn Monroe's lifelong bouts with depression and self-destruction took their toll during filming; she frequently muffed scenes and forgot her lines, leading to sometimes as many as 40 takes of a scene before a satisfactory result was produced.
-Gary Cooper was considered for the role of Richard Sherman.
-James Dean je poginuo pre nego što je film objavljen.
-Svo troje glavnih glumaca su umrli mladi, pod tragičnim okolnostima. Dean u saobracajnoj nesreci, Natalie se utopila a Sal Mineo je bio izboden.
-Prazan bazen koje se pojavljuje u ovom filmu videli smo i u Sunset Blvd.
-Paul Newman je razmatran za ulogu Jim Starka, a Marlon Brando je snimio screen test.
-James Dean died before the film was released.
-All three lead actors, James Dean, Sal Mineo, and Natalie Wood, died young under tragic circumstances: Dean died in a car accident, Mineo was stabbed, and Wood drowned.
-The empty pool in which the characters sit and discuss their lives first appeared in Sunset Blvd.
-Paul Newman was considered for the role of Jim Stark.
-Kad je Paul Newman pristao na ulogu Bricka,, mislio je da će biti apsolutno u skladu sa originalnim scenarijom i kada je shvatio da nije tako, bio je duboko razočaran. Inače, prema originalnoj priči, lik koji Newman tumaci je imao gej sklonosti.
-Za ulogu Maggie the cat su bile razmatrane Lana Turner i Grace Kelly.
-Prvo je planiran kao crno-beli film, ali je odluka o tome da bude u boji doneta zbog Newmanovih upadljivih plavih i Elizabetinih ljubicastih ociju.
-When Paul Newman agreed to play the role of Brick, he was under the impression the film would simply adapt the original script into a screenplay. When the screenplay deviated wildly from the stage text over Tennessee Williams' objections, Newman expressed his disappointment.
-Both Lana Turner and Grace Kelly were considered for the part of Maggie the Cat
-This film was originally to be filmed in black and white, as was the standard practice with "artistic" films in the 1950s.However, once Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor were cast in the leads, director Richard Brooks insisted on shooting in color, in deference to the public's well known enthusiasm for Taylor's violet and Newman's strikingly blue eyes.
-Vivien Leigh, koja je u privatnom životu patila od bipolarnog poremećaja, posle ovog filma je imala poteškoca da razdvoji svoju ličnost od ličnosti Blanche DuBois, čiji lik tumaci u filmu.
-Iako su Vivien Leigh i Marlon Brando u početku mislili da će njihova saradnja biti teška, vremenom su se združili i uživali u zajedničkom snimanju.
-Vivien Leigh koja je imala samo 36 godina,napravljena je da izgleda starije.
-Vivien Leigh, who suffered from bipolar disorder in real life, later had difficulties in distinguishing her real life from that of Blanche DuBois.
-Although Vivien Leigh initially thought Marlon Brando to be affected, and he thought her to be impossibly stuffy and prim, both soon became friends and the cast worked together smoothly.
-Vivien Leigh, who was only 36 at the time of filming, had to be made up to look older.
-Kako bi osigurali pristanak Audrey i Freda na uloge u ovom filmu rekli su njoj da je on pristao, kao i obrnuto jer su bili sigurni da njih dvoje ne bi propustili priliku za saradnju.
-Fredov lik je zasnovan na životu fotografa Richarda Avedona, koji je i napravio većinu fotografija koje se pojavljuju u filmu, uključujući poznati Odrin portret u mračnoj sobi.
-Odrin pas se pojavljuje u sceni u kojoj je Fred fotografiše kao Anu Karenjinu.
-Odrina majka, baronica Ella Van Heemstra se pojavljuje kao slučajni prolaznik u filmu.
-In order to secure Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire on the cast, producers told each the other was already signed, figuring they would not pass up the opportunity to work together.
-Fred Astaire's character is based on photographer Richard Avedon. In fact, it is Avedon who set up most of the photography for this film, including the famous face portrait of Audrey Hepburn unveiled during the dark room sequence.
-Audrey Hepburn's terrier appears as the dog in the basket during the "Anna Karenina" train shot.
-Baroness Ella Van Heemstra: Audrey Hepburn's mother as a sidewalk cafe patron.
14.SOME LIKE IT HOT (1959)
-Merlinki je bilo potrebno 47 ponavljanja da bi pravilno rekla "It's me, sugar." umesto "Sugar, it's me" ili "It's Sugar, me".
-Kabare igrač je pokusavao da nauci Tony Curtis-a i Jack Lemmon-a da hodaju kao žene. Posle nedelju dana Lemmon je odbacio njegovu pomoć izjavivši da ne želi da nauci da hoda kao žena nego kao muškarac koji pokušava da hoda kao žena.
-Marilyn Monroe required 47 takes to get "It's me, Sugar" correct, instead saying either "Sugar, it's me" or "It's Sugar, me"
-A cabaret dancer (a man who played women on stage) tried to teach Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon to walk in heels. After about a week, Lemmon declined his help, saying he didn't want to walk like a woman, but a man trying to walk like a woman.
15.GIANT (1956)
-Pre nego što je Elizabet prihvatila, uloga je ponudjena Grace Kelly.
-Carroll Baker koja glumi njenu ćerku, zapravo je starija od Elizabet u privatnom životu.
-Elizabeth Taylor accepted it, the role of Leslie was offered to Grace Kelly.
-Carroll Baker, who plays Elizabeth Taylor's daughter, was older in real life than Taylor.
-James Dean je potpisao da glumi Rokija, ali je poginuo pre nego sto je počelo snimanje filma.
-Eileen Heckart je glumila Paulovu majku iako je samo 6 godina starija od njega.
-Filmski debi Steve McQueen-a.
-James Dean was signed to play 'Rocky Graziano' but the part was given to Paul Newman after Dean was killed in an automobile accident on 30 September 1955.
- Eileen Heckart played Paul Newman's mother despite only being six years older than him.
-Film debut of Steve McQueen.
-Carry Grant-u je ponuđena uloga Franka Flannigana, ali je odbio zbog velike razlike u godinama između njega i Audrey
-Kada je izasao, film je kod kritičara prošao katastrofalno. Smatrali su da je i 55-godišnji Gary, čije se zdravstveno stanje pogoršavalo, trebalo da shvati da je prestar za takvu ulogu.
-Cary Grant was offered the part of Frank Flannigan but turned it down because of the age difference between him and Audrey Hepburn
-The movie was a critical and commercial disaster on release. Many critics felt that the 55-year-old Gary Cooper, whose health was rapidly failing, should have realized that he was far too old for the part and turned it down, as Cary Grant did.
-Lawrence Olivier je već tumačio ovu ulogu u Londonskom pozorištu, zajedno sa svojom ženom, Vivien Leigh.
-Film je planiran kao mjuzikl ali je tadasnji Merlinkin muž, Arthur Miller nagovorio da odbije pesme.
-Jedini film koji je Merlinka snimila izvan Amerike.
-Laurence Olivier had already played the part of the Prince Regent on the London stage, alongside his wife Vivien Leigh.
-The only film Marilyn Monroe made outside of the American continent.
Bravo za ovakav opsežni rad :)
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