Pre neki dan sam na instagramu naletela na Cubero Quesada design profil i nisam mogla a da ne podelim sa vama bogatstvo koje sam tamo našla. Često mi se dešava da na instagramu naidjem na inspirativne fotografije i talentovane ljude ali sam nekako posebno očarana ovim jedinstvenim kreacijama. Najvise mi se dopada kako se ovaj drveni dezen uklapa uz belu boju, nekako ostavljaju umirujući utisak na mene. Ukoliko se slažete sa mnom možete u komentaru podeliti svoje impresije na engleskom, verujem da će im značiti takva podrška s obzirom da su na početku i nemaju mnogo pratilaca. Takođe možete i posetiti njihov instagram profil ovde: cuberoquesadadesign i zapratiti ih ukoliko vam se dopadne :) The other day I ran into Cubero Quesada design instagram profile and I could not help but share with you the richness I found there. It often happends to me to find inspirational photos and talented people on instagram but somehow I was especially enchanted by these unique creations. I was really fascinated how this wooden pattern fits with white color, somehow leaving a calming effect on me.If you agree with me you can comment, share your impressions in English with me cause I believe that it will be a great support as they are at the beginning and do not have many followers. You can also visit their Instagram profile here:cuberoquesadadesign and follow them if you find it interesting :)